Thursday, September 10, 2009

Visitors - Day 3 - A Lie In

This blog entry comes to you as mostly hearsay, but please don't dismiss it out of hand. I had to spend Monday at work, leaving the fates of the guests to Fiona's more than adequate hosting abilities.

While I was up at 6 and off to work by 7, the rest of the house had just finished breakfast when I came home for lunch. After I left again, they hopped in the rented mini-van and headed north up the coast. They made their way all the way up to Peterhead - "a hell of a town" with a disturbing lack of ice cream. The Ythan Estuary was also viewed and enjoyed. Rosehearty also made the cut, with a tour of a sad little fishing harbour with an equally sad little lobster boat put-putting over the water.

After I got home again we wandered past Union Street for dinner at Ciao Napoli, which has replaced Poldino's as our favorite Italian place. Lobster ravioli, monkfish, calamari and veal left us all fat and happy. Well, the happiness may have been more attributable to the three bottles of Valpolicella Mara 2006 (recommendation approved by all - the winery can send the cheque whenever they like).

It kind of put the cap on a good, relaxing day. Good thing too, day 4 was going to be one of classic day trips ...

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