Friday, April 9, 2010


When Fiona and I were planning this vacation we kept all our information in a folder on the desktop that we labeled "Soleil". We were desperate to use it as an escape from a long and dreary Aberdeen winter. There were some worries that perhaps it was still a little early in the season to expect any really good weather, but those all fell by the wayside today.

We started with breakfast on the terrace.

From there we moved to the rooftop pool, where we stayed for most of the day.

Back to the terrace for a couple of more hours.

Simple. Sunny. And so very non-stressful. Exactly what the doctor ordered.

After dinner we pulled the fancy digs out of the suitcase in order to make dress code at the casino. We even brushed up on both our European and English roulette rules and etiquette. The Casino itself is a work of art. It wasn't overly busy so it was easy to wander around and admire the building. We eventually sat down at a roulette table and quite enjoyed ourselves for a little bit. In what I'm sure is a typical roulette story, I quit playing my lucky number 28 precisely 2 turns before it showed up on the wheel. But we had no real expectation of winning, so we just enjoyed the experience of dressing up and trying something new.

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