Sunday, June 12, 2011

Backyard Sunshine

We're spending the afternoon out in the garden, puttering around and enjoying a beautiful Sunday. THe sky is blue, the weather is pleasant and our garden is growing, blooming and producing. We went out to a ceilidh last night put on by some Canadian ex-pat friends who are returning to the mothership. We danced a few Gay Gordons and had a really good time, so it feels extra good to be resting our dancing feet this afternoon.

We put together a little video tour of our garden, for those who might be interested.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny that the raspberries are doing the best Rik!!
The greenhouse looks great, when we saw it, it was indeed in the process of falling down, good job Papa Scammel.
Hope you get lots of sunny days to enjoy in this lovely garden.A paw for our favorite dog!!