Friday, September 2, 2011


We were very much looking forward to our trip back to Canada, even though we were never fans of the long trans-Atlantic flight.  We've had too many journeys with wailing toddlers kicking the backs of our seats and cramped chairs restricting our ability to maintain any type of comfort.  The thrill of air travel is gone for us, which is a bit of a pity considering the magic involved in believing that a slight pressure differential over an air foil can keep a multi-hundred ton piece of metal flying safely through -60C temperatures at 30,000 feet.

But thanks to an Air Canada window seat and clear day over Greenland, a proper sense of awe and wonder has been returned.  There were phenomenal sights of massive glaciers snaking and weaving between mountains and breaking up into the sea.  Icebergs filled the bays and drifted out into a clear blue sea.  As we moved further west, the mountains and glaciers disappeared and it was endless featureless snow as far as the eye could see.

That brief interlude and two and a half movies (Battle L.A. - better than advertised, Sucker Punch - felt kinda skeevy for watching, but enjoyed the Zack Snyder flare, and half of the Lincoln Lawyer - two thumbs up) made the 9 hours fly by.  My parents and a brilliant blue sky filled with sunshine met us at the airport in Edmonton.  A great start to our return trip.

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