Monday, December 19, 2011

Family for the Holidays

My parents are here in Aberdeen to spend the holidays with us prior to our New Year's trip to Holland.  They arrived last week, but after a brief rest day they moved on to Edinburgh.  Apparently the train trip was nice and smooth, passing through the beautiful countryside.  Auld Reekie itself was also enjoyed, with visits to Edinburgh Castle, the cathedral and the city's wonderful parks.  The pub food, especially at the Jolly Judge was also a highlight.  They came back on Friday evening, just in time for the World Championship of Darts.  There have already been some upsets, including my pre-tourney favourite, Mark Webster and yesterday's shocking exit of Raymond van Barneveldt.  We're all on the Gary Anderson bandwagon now.

The weekend was relatively quiet, with none of the usual epic day-trips planned.  On Saturday the dogs got walked, the first of the Christmas puzzles was started (and finished), the crossword was attempted, beer and wine stocks were brought up to snuff and fantastic burrito bowls were had for dinner.  Fiona also took the time to teach us all mah-jongg.  Although it took a while to absorb all the fine detail, at the end of four rounds we were all getting into it.

Sunday was another relaxing day.  A good lie-in followed by beans on toast helped to start the day off right.  Proper fortification was required as the temperature had gone down significantly and there was a fresh layer of the white stuff on the ground.  Not too much, only a couple of inches, but it helped in setting the proper Christmas mood.

In the afternoon we all went to the movies and saw the latest Sherlock Holmes movie with Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law.  It was quite entertaining, but slowed down a little too much in places.  Post-film we returned to the house and had burgers on the BBQ with a colleague of mine who is moving to Oslo next week.  Another good meal, finished off with Millionaire's Shortbread and mince pies.

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