After previous close calls, it looks like we'll be getting a direct hit from Hurricane Ike. We should be fine, we are not in the flood zone and the winds we'll be getting hopefully won't be too strong.
Rik's work let him come home early yesterday and most places are closed today. The preparations don't seem as frantic as when Rita came by. There is less panic in the panic buying but here are a couple of shots from the grocery store and one of Ike himself...
We've got our water, some food and plenty of gas so we are prepared. We'll continue to keep an eye on what's happening (that shouldn't be hard... it is Ike 24/7 on all channels).
It's actually a good thing that people buy out the stores... then there is less for the owner to write off :) I'd stock up on chocolate... might as well add some happy to the situation!!
Jenni Munro
Hey Fiona, nice blog. It's fun isn't it? What is your actual moving date?
Love you.
hey guys~ I was thinking about you with the hurricane!
How long are you moving to Scotland for? Tell me more about it all!
We've been thinking about you guys. You're just trying to go out with a bang aren't you. Hang tight, stay safe and we'll look for a blog update after Ike has moved on.
Love the Lords (Calgary chapter...not the big guy upstairs!)
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