Sunday, January 11, 2009

Amsterdam - the pictures

Hey all, here are the pictures to go with the novella I wrote yesterday...

We've got a frozen canal - when we left on Sunday we saw a scene that you could only see in Holland - kids skating on a frozen canal kicking around a soccer ball.

Next is a picture of the Rijksmuseum ...

And then the temporary skating rink in the green space by the museum ...

Me in front of the museum green space ....

The Van Gogh Museum in the background, and some discrete signage ...

A fantastically funny looking fire engine ...

The dinner table at my cousin Annemarie's ...

Stan and I kicking butt at PS3 soccer ...

Manouk singing up a storm ...

Two from the Bloemenmaarkt ...

And how can you not take pictures of cats in a coffee shop.  They totally monopolized all the best seats in the house - everything close to a radiator was covered in cat ...


Reagan said...

LMAO at the fire engine !!! beep beep :)

and I WANT some of those flowers - how could you resist?

Those cats must have done something great in a past life - What a life to be in such warmth and comfort :)

Anonymous said...

Hello from Edmonton,

So....that means no sate in May!!

great to hear and read you had such a great time. The pictures are great as usual. keep blogging ,we really enjoy reading it!
Love, Mam