Monday, June 8, 2009

The Dreaded Lergy

I came home today to find Fiona completely prostrated by some sort of flu, or as they call it here, the "lergy" ...

Also known as the dreaded lergy, this can manifest itself as any illness. Normally associated with skiving off something, whether it be work, school or going to the zoo with friends.
A: Should we invite Frank? 
B: No, he has the lergy. 

It came on so quickly.  She was a little worn down yesterday, but she seemed fine this morning.  She's hardly functional now.  I've started the chicken soup and tea, but I think a good night's sleep will do more than I can.
I guess one good thing is that when it comes on this quickly and hits this hard, it usually burns itself out in a day or two.  That's important because we surely don't want to be wandering around Paris next week struggling with the flu.  It kind of makes me wonder if I should just run upstairs and give her a big kiss - not only because I like to, but so that I can get it in time to get over it.

For all those wondering, my completely non-medical diagnosis is that no, it isn't swine flu, and I've watched enough 'House' to know I'm right.


Reagan said...

poor Fiona :(
I hope the chicken soup works it's magic and she's feeling better FAST!!!

The Woman of the House said...

Funny Post!

Sorry you've got the "L" word, Fiona. Hope you feel well soon.

LOve and prayers,
The Darnowskis.