Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hot as Hades

It's been blinking hot the last few days - pushing 28 degrees. For a city with no air conditioning, that's pretty hot. We had a hard time getting to sleep last night. Opening the windows doesn't help because there's too much light out. We've decided to try moving down one floor and sleeping in the guest room. Hopefully it goes a little better.

We had a nice weekend, too. We spent the whole of Saturday outside, buying some new flowers for the garden, puttering around outside and having a BBQ. We wandered across the road to the neighbours house as well, for some impromptu drinks. Their garden was in full bloom and is absolutely amazing. The kind of place I would like the time to develop if we should ever put down roots somewhere. We finished the night with a few Mojitos and a nice fire in the chimenea.

We had a nice Canada Day yesterday, too. We got together for a BBQ with Canadian Association of Aberdeen. Big Sugar was played, the anthem was sung and hockey trades were discussed. All in glorious sunshine. It doesn't get better than that.

We're dog-sitting, as well. Friends of ours that have dog-sat Casey in the past dropped off a little Pomeranian named Pogo. He's a decent little dog, although his hair is starting to get to Fiona's allergies. I don't think Casey is too thrilled about sharing her parents, either.

We're watching the team introductions for the Tour de France, which starts for real on Saturday. I don't think we've picked our favorites or a winner yet, but we're both certain that it won't be Lance in yellow on the Champs. Personally, I would be very surprised if he finishes.

The other big sporting event going on right now is Wimbledon, of course. The entire UK is getting behind Andy Murray. It's all roses and sunshine when he's winning, then he is an example of a great British athlete. When he loses, though, he inevitably becomes Scottish again. Funny how that works ....

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