Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Tartan Army

One of the guys at work arranged for a group of us to go see the Scottish national team play the Faroe Islands in an international friendly at Pittodrie. When the Tartan Army calls, you answer, so we got all bundled up and made our way to the stadium. The fact that we were all bunched together like sardines helped keep the cold night at bay, and the fact that "missiles" were expressly forbidden kept it family friendly. The pre-game highlight was the singing of the Scottish 'National Anthem'. 50 points for anyone that can identify the song ...

The Faroes hit a goalpost early on, but quickly faded after that and Scotland romped to an expected 3-0 victory. The real pity is that all goals were scored at the other end of the stadium.

We're now really looking forward to our first international rugby game on the 27th.

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