Sunday, February 1, 2009

Arts and Entertainment

Rik here ...

It's been an arts and entertainment weekend.  

We started out on Friday night at the ballet.  Fiona had bought tickets to the Royal Scottish Ballet's production of Sleeping Beauty for me for Christmas.  It was at His Majesty's Theatre, which is a great venue, but a little cramped in the balcony.  The production was amazing - very theatrical with great costumes and sets.  It dragged a little in the third act, but overall was quite enjoyable.

We've been hiding from some less than ideal weather this weekend, watching movies on TV.  How's this for a mix:  Twister, Marie Antoinette, the Other Boleyn Girl, Fast Times at Ridgemont High and now Fiona is making me sit through Terms of Endearment.  All that, and she still had time to beat me at Scrabble.


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