Monday, February 23, 2009

Laissez les bon snowdrops roullez!

Rik here ...

It looks like spring continues to bloom in Aberdeen.  Another nice day here, with highs of 12C and sunny skies.   The gardens everywhere are full of snowdrops - beautiful little white flowers (come on everyone, let's sing a round or two of Edelweiss ...).  According to the locals, however, we shouldn't get too excited about these very early heralds of spring.  There are actually three phases of spring in Aberdeen.  1.  Snowdrops.  2.  Crocuses.  3.  Daffodils.  It's not officially spring here until you see the daffodils.  We were strung along by cruel Mother Nature on our walk last night, thinking we saw that first daffodil at a house at the end of the block, but it just turned out to be a yellow crocus.


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