Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How much is that doggy on the airplane?

She's finally here!  After six long months away from home, we were finally reunited with our Casey today.  As with her previous move, she travelled like a pro, with no incidents or problems.  She took about 10 seconds to figure out who we were, but now seems to be adjusting fine.  

It's been harder than we thought it would be, having her so far away.  But we knew she was in excellent hands with Mom and Manny in San Antonio.  She may have had more fun there than she ever did with us ... chasing squirrels, possums and chihuahua mixes.  

Mom and Manny, we're eternally grateful for the peace of mind you gave us and the excellent care you gave the furriest member of our family.

1 comment:

Reagan said...

I know you guys are so excited and a complete family once again :)