Monday, March 30, 2009

Visitors Day 3

The house is quiet again as Pim & Sandra are headed home today.  We had such a great time with them this weekend.

Yesterday started out slow, we had a nice leisurely breakfast of pannekoeken. Then we headed out to the Sands of Forvie for a hike.  A quick 15 minute drive and we were there.  It is close to where Donald Trump wants to build a new golf course.  

It was a beautiful day, lots of sunshine.  The hike was really enjoyable and the trail was well maintained.  The scenery was spectacular.  There were lots of sea birds to be seen.

We were all tired out by the hike so the rest of the day was filled with relaxing and playing some more Wii.  

Thanks for coming to visit Pim & Sandra!

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