Saturday, March 7, 2009

Who Watches the Watchmen? We did ...

As is my wont with movies that I really look forward to, I took the afternoon off yesterday to drag Fiona to the premiere of the Watchmen movie.  Reviews are fantastically mixed.  I loved it.  Fiona was giving a depressed sigh every 20 minutes.  That's a lot of sighing in a 2 hour 45 minute movie.  I did read the comics, which I think will increase your appreciation of the film, but I think it can be enjoyed without reading it too.  It was long, be prepared for that.  And, in highly concentrated outbursts, extremely violent.  Visually, though, both of us agreed that it was stunning.

So I guess I owe Fiona a few romantic comedies.  I tried to buy my way out of the debt with surf and turf after the movie, but I don't think it worked.

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