Sunday, March 1, 2009

Flower power

Well it has been a nice quiet weekend here. Yesterday morning we moseyed down to the monthly farmers market in the city center with Casey. It was Casey's first time walking around the city. She did really well, and received so much attention from people passing by, a great walk by her standards.

We bought some goodies at the market and headed home. On our way to do some more errands we passed the park not too far from house and saw carpets of beautiful purple and white flowers. So today we decided to take a walk and take a closer look. They turned out to be these gorgeous crocuses.

We have been thinking that it is spring but according to locals it isn't here until we see the daffodils. Hopefully soon!


Reagan said...

LOVE the flowers! What a beautiful surprise :)

Hoping the wind isn't so crazy today and we can do some yard work today.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a beautiful sight! We still have a snowcover of 20 cm and crocusses are coming in ....what...May, June here in Edmonton!
Casey is over her "jet lag" now?
Enjoy a Happy Spring.