Sunday, July 12, 2009

I think Kellogs owes me some money ...

We went to the grocery store this morning after our golf lesson, looking for a nice roast for this evening. On our way out we walked past the cereal aisle and eagle-eyed Fiona spotted the following Kellogs product: Ricicles. She claims "Captain Rik" on the front of the box looks too much like me to be a coincidence.

I haven't tried them yet, but sugar coated Rice Krispies can't be that bad, can they?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Rik,

We're sorry we never told you, but....we sold the rights to Kellogs years ago !!

Your Mommy and Daddy ,

P.S. We sold the rights for 30 years, so a renewal will be up shortly. I Guess we will be looking for more than $100 this time.