Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Stephen Murray - Golfing Genius

Fiona and I went to the driving range last night and the hard work put in by my instructor seems to be paying off. I haven't hit so many golf balls that straight in ... I was about to say "quite some time", but I think it is more like "ever". He almost had a fit trying to get me to change my bad habits, but some of it has soaked in. Now I just have to try and translate it into better scores on the course.

We've been having a great time with Fiona's mom. We drove out into the Cairngorms on Sunday. We did the Burn o' Vat walk, which is always impressive. Fiona and Ethna have given themselves over to knitting. Sweaters and blankets are being generated at a ferocious rate.

We're all excited about a trip to Dublin that starts tomorrow afternoon. It will be interesting to see Ethna's old stomping grounds, try some pub food and enjoy some Irish culture. It will also be our first trip with Ryanair. We're a little worried. The concept of bare minimum prices and an added fee for everything - ie. a fee to pay online, when you are only allowed to pay online. If the trip is anything less than truly convenient, we'll probably be avoiding it in the future.

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