Monday, November 17, 2008

New car maybe...

So we've finally cleared our bank hurdles and will be able to get a car soon.  Actually we are lucky that one of Rik's co-workers is trying to sell her car and it might be just what we are looking for. We'll keep you updated on that.

There has been a wintery feel in the air the last week or so and has rained quite a bit more which can be a little dreary.  Also, the fact that the sun goes down at 3:30 - 4 doesn't help.  It does feel like the Christmas season is upon us though.  They lit the Christmas lights in the city center last night and we have just bought a new Christmas tree and are starting our Christmas cards.

Hopefully I will have some new pictures for you sometime this week. Take Care!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds just like Calgary!! We got snow on Friday night and it's hung around. It was an icy mess this morning!! But Stephen Avenue has their Christmas lights up! I don't know about cards though... maybe just for certain special people ;)