Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Remember, remember, the fifth of November ...

Happy Guy Fawkes Day everyone!

As the fireworks explode around us, we are trying to wrap our head around the meaning of this festival.  Wikipedia and the movie "V for Vendetta" tell us that it is a celebration of the foiling of a Catholic conspiracy to blow up the Parliament buildings in 1605.  To celebrate, Guy is hung if effigy  and thrown into giant bonfires, and public fireworks displays are put on.

Here in Aberdeen the fireworks are on the beach.  Unfortunately it is rainy today.  The crowds don't seem to mind, downtown was pretty busy.

We're still working through the frustrations of moving.  Banking is proving to be the hardest thing to get a handle on.  Hopefully we can get it wrapped up soon.  We kind of need it to set off a chain of events ... get a car, pick up some extra furniture, clean up the rest of our our house and get you all the pictures you've been asking for.  

Fiona had her book club meeting today.  She powered through 800 pages in three days ... a true Brooymans!

I am still trying to comprehend the tragic fact that I haven't seen the new James Bond flick yet.  Tomorrow might be the lucky day.


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