Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bad luck for Barney

Rik here ...

Just wanted to let you know, despite some pretty hard cheering from Fiona and I, Raymond "Barney" van Barneveld succumbed to the "the Power" Phil Taylor in the 2008 Grand Prix of darts.  It was closer than the score indicated and Barney could have won if he had been able to close legs the way Phil could.  As much as I can cheer for Barney (or the Canadian world champ John Part), if I had to choose one man to play darts against aliens with the future of the planet at stake, it would be Phil.  The man is just money.

Otherwise a pretty ordinary day - recovered from our walk yesterday, did some laundry, did a little shopping (a Wii is now hooked up in the hotel room) and found a great pizza joint.  I find you alway feel a little more at home in a new town once you've found the best pizza available (a la Candelari's in Houston ...).



Reagan said...

geeze.........darts, surfing, and now a Wii ???? I'm so freakin' jealous :)

trudy said...

Darts 'eh. I knew when I first heard you cheer Rik, that was were hooked!!! Beautiful pics!!!