Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Rik here ...

Fiona told me about an interesting lunch today.  She was in the local organic sandwich shop getting a good bacon-chicken-cheddar panini, when she was approached by a local who noted her fancy new coat.  They talked for a while before parting ways.  It was just a pleasant example of what a random act of kindness can do for someone's day.  Most people in Scotland are this way.  Maybe not as quick to approach you, but genuinely friendly when you interact with them.

That's why I find the juxtaposition of that experience with some recent signage to be odd.  In most stores you see signs at the register stating that:

"Verbal and physical abuse of our staff is unacceptable.  Any patrons can be refused service."

How much of a problem had to exist before someone decided that a full on ad campaign was needed?  Were store clerks getting beat up regularly?  Even scarier are a brand new series of bus stops ads showing women in ordinary situations with the caption:

"This is not an invitation to rape me."

Say what?  I hope it is only indicative of someone's over-reaction.  Anyway, we've only run into the friendly sort here.  The drunks you do see (and mostly hear) are easily avoided and tend to be more interested in getting to the next bar than hassling you.

Digression - I just saw an ad for a new Burger King burger here - two patties, cheese, bacon and ... pepperoni!  What?

I'm off to London for the day tomorrow.  Skype my wife if possible, she'll be lonely ...


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