Monday, March 29, 2010
Lord of the Rings
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday night - the way it should be
We've been spending too many Friday nights recently doing chores around the house, doing groceries or generally wasting away prime recreational timeslots in front of the TV watching forgettable programs about nothing in particular.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
A wee bit o' golf and a fair bit of hiking

Our run of great weather has continued through the weekend, a phenomenon that has become increasingly rare. I know it just sounds like Murphy's Law that it always rains on the weekend, but it has felt like a truism the last few months. But this weekend was different. Warm temperatures in the mid teens, with blue sky and lots of sunshine. If you stay at home with weather like this, than you should probably consider moving away - Scotland's not for you.
Friday, March 19, 2010
After all the drama - three minors!
I passed my driver's test this afternoon. It was a beautiful day, 15C and sunshine, so no chance of being snowed out again this time. I had been practicing my maneouvers - parallel park, three point turn, reverse around a corner and bay parking - I was ready. The nerves were acting up because I really didn't want to have to deal with the hassle of doing the test again. In the practice session with the instructor before the test things were kind of hit and miss. A perfect parallel park, followed by a totally rubbish roundabout.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Dateline: March 18, 2000
I'm sitting on the couch in the living room I share with Rich. The place is somewhat tidier than usual, we've been given advance warning that visitors are on the way and being the conscientious guys that we are we managed to straighten some cushions and scrape the rings off the table. It was Kathleen's birthday and we were going out, I had been forewarned to "wear something nice". Being oblivious to the way things work, I didn't decipher the code that it meant I was to be introduced to someone. I did put on a clean shirt and shampooed the stubble on my head before slipping on my trusty ball cap.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
We've had an incredible spell of decent weather here in Aberdeen. A couple of weeks of relatively dry, sunny weather with nice blue skies. Fiona, Cathy and Roger took advantage today by taking a little drive out to Cruden Bay, just north of the city on the North Sea coast.
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Glamour of Glamis Castle
We've been blessed with some more visitors this week. Although they had some trouble with connections in Heathrow, Roger and Cathy finally made it into sunny Aberdeen on Saturday afternoon. After a good night's sleep to get over the jet lag, we headed out for some Scottish history.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Spread 'em

We were off to the grocery store tonight to stock up on supplies for our forthcoming visitors. The grocery store is always good for few laughs, which makes it a little less sad to be spending a Friday night buying foodstuffs. It's always a reminder that no matter how similar the life in the UK seems to the States or Canada, it is ... different.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
His name is George
We got an up close look at our freeloading houseguest today. He decided to go stretch his legs out in the bright Aberdeen sunshine and didn't seem to have any fear of us. Hardly surprising as he's had some time to get used to our presence. It's going to be harder to get rid of him now that we know he's this cute and has a name. We do have 5 bedrooms, maybe we can give him one?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Mouse House
Monday, March 8, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Movie Night
Fiona's mahjongg get-together went well, she even won a game. Casey behaved herself, which is not always the case when large groups of people invade the home. Apparently we now have our pick of dog-sitters. I've got to hand it to her, that dog has charm. She could convert a cat person.
I'm making a stop on the way home, hoping to pick us the necessary ingredients for my mildly famous crab cakes. Combine those with a couple of frosty brews currently chilling in the back garden and my evening is set.
It's setting itself up for a couch and movie night. We have a few things on the DVR, including Doubt. As much as I think Meryl and Phillip Seymour-Hoffman would do a bang up job, it seems a tad depressing for the end of a good day. Maybe we could save that one for a rainy Sunday. Problem is, there is not a lot good out there right now. We could head out and see some of the Oscar contenders - it's been a bad year for us, we've only seen Up and Avatar - or try and wrap our heads around the new Alice in Wonderland 3D extravaganza, but the popcorn is better at home. Why I am I the only one in this country that thinks sweet popcorn at the movies is morally, ethically and fundamentally wrong?
We have been catching up on some good stuff that we missed or passed over. We caught two Josh Brolin movies in one week last month that were both fantastic. One was highly critically acclaimed ("No Country for Old Men"), and you could see why, but I think we both enjoyed "W" more. "the Reader" had us both yelling at the screen and is well worth seeing, in a "Schindler's List" kind of way. "the Spirit" was visually stimulating, but you get the same effect with a better story in "Sin City".
Perhaps the satellites will shine brightly over our house tonight and bless us with a mindless comdey-action-adventure. You can never see Die Hard too many times...
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A little bit of (Canadian) winter ...
But I digress ...
What we have right now is rare for Scotland and very much reminds me of home, where you could look out your window at a clear blue sky and blazing sun yet have your jeans freeze solid by the time you got to your car. It's not quite that bad, but several straight days with -7 C in the morning (that's in downtown Aberdeen, not the highlands) and no need to scrape the windshield is quite unheard of. If it is going to be cold, dry cold is the best.
We're supposed to get some rain again this afternoon, possibly turning into snow at the end of the day. People are really starting to grumble at how long winter seems to be taking. Our cabbie coming back from the Italian restaurant yesterday claimed it's been the longest, coldest winter since '62. Glass-half-full people are chirping about how wonderful it will be when the spring and summer flowers are all in bloom together. Glass-half-empty people are disappearing into their houses, filling the other half of their glass with an alcoholic beverage and belly-aching about how terrible it is to have to listen to those glass-half-full people. We waffle between glass-half-full and glass-half-empty. We made a vow never to let the weather stop us from getting out and doing stuff, but it is a heck of a lot easier to be optimistic with a blue sky overhead.
That being said, we'll be stuck in the house tonight, making sure it is presentable for Fiona's mahjongg group tomorrow. We've both been a little under the weather this week, so the housework has been left for the dog to do. She does an OK job, but tends to ignore the nooks and crannies. I've also got a jigsaw puzzle that is begging for the last few hundred pieces to be sorted and a good book - the first of a two part-er on the planning and building of the first trans-Canadian railroad. I'm aiming to finish it off by the end of the month so I can take something new on our travels through southern France. T minus 27 days and counting ...
We concluded a long running research project yesterday by concluding that Ciao Napoli is indeed the best Italian restaurant in Aberdeen. Although the evidence had been pointing in that direction for some time, we made it official by returning to our old favorite for a final comparison. They were weighed and measured, and came up wanting.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Back to bloggin'!
- that's just the nature of blogging
- we're too busy
- we're too lazy
- we've don't have anything interesting to say
I think I can break these down a little further.
1. That's just the nature of blogging
Blogging is like piano lessons. You see someone who does it well and say - "Wow, I wish I could do that!" - and then you think of all the cool benefits of doing it and convince yourself that it's important and worthwhile and that you'll be a maestro in no time. You start out enthusiastic, practicing twice a day, doing extra homework, but within a matter of months you realize that you will never get past "Oats and Beans and Barley Grow" and you would rather spend time riding your bike with your friends. The piano becomes a slightly oversized side table (sorry, Mom). I bet if someone commissioned a study of all internet blogs, the vast majority would show the same sort of exponential decrease in blog maintenance versus time. I truly believe that after a year or so all blogs settle in to one of two camps: all-star blogs that have wide followings and tonnes of material and others that post only when something interesting has happened. Or maybe I've just convinced myself of that so I don't feel so guilty. Anyway, again, just like piano lessons, eventually you get older and wiser and think to yourself, "Wow, I wish I had stuck with those piano lessons." Most people just leave it at that wistful thought and walk away, others grab their Sharpie, write the names of the keys back on the piano and start practicing their "Oats and Beans and Barley Grow". I'm hoping to be in the latter group.
2. We were too busy
This is entirely possible as well. I know what you're thinking - any clever person would quickly point out that if were so busy we must have been doing some cool stuff; the kind of stuff we always used to blog about. I would the offer back that it is possible to be busy doing stuff that is so boring that no one cares to hear about it. I know your response to that will be - how sad for us. In order to maintain some dignity, I now propose that we were busy doing semi-cool stuff that was interesting to us but perhaps not to a wider and much more worldy audience.
- driving lessons and driving tests - in order to get our British licenses we need to pass both the theory and practical driving tests. Theory was no problem - easy-peasy. We then signed on with a driving instructor for what we thought would be a quick couple of hours as a tutorial for the practical test. Our tutorial turned in to two hours every Saturday for a month. It paid off for Fiona, who passed with flying colors. My test was delayed by inclement weather - it's now scheduled for the 19th. Our test facility has a 55% pass rating, so chances are good that I will fail. I actually have serious problems with a system that will allow me drive for a year without a test and then forces me to all of the sudden to correct 16 years of bad driving habits (mirrors? what mirrors?) so that I can continue to do something that I was already judged good enough to do for the past year. I am preparing my list of excuses for my imminent failure ... if you have any good/creative ones, let me know.
- Olympics - we picked up a pretty good tan from sitting in front of the television the last two weeks. Thoroughly enjoyed all the sports and the unique Eurosport coverage of them. When they show biathalon, they show ... all of the biathalon - start to finish, no commercials, no cutaways to "get-to-know-the-athlete" montages. Really cool. Despite the brutal 8 hour time difference we managed to watch a little bit of just about everything, with the consequence that the next day we were too wiped out to do anything but ... watch more Olympics. It was also good to get all fired up and patriotic about how well Canada did. It has been quite a while since Canada was "home" for us, but we definitely felt that way for the last two weeks. Too bad that for most Britons the Games played second fiddle to Europa league football matches.
- painting - Fiona's been going to her painting class and producing some small works. She is so good at it. I steal most works to hang in my office. She has to fight her perfectionist nature most of the time, but she has a really deft touch and a good eye.
3. We're too lazy
Um ... yeah, OK. But you sit around after a day of work somewhere where the sun only shines through the rain and the cold, miserable dampness seeps every ounce of vigour from your bones and then try to do anything but creep under the covers and stay there. Have I mentioned we've had a crap winter?
4. We've got nothing to say
Slightly ironic that I'd have something to say about having nothing to say, but there's a lot of small stuff that we don't quite think warrants a blog post, especially now that we're into year two of the Scottish Trip. For instance, our front yard is slowly developing into a carpet of crocuses (croci??). We took a wonderful sunny walk down by the River Don. We found out Wii bowling doesn't help you get better at actual bowling. We went on the hunt for an antique ottoman and found nothing but the realization that I should not be allowed unsupervised in an antique bookshop. Hot stone massages rock. Casey has convinced herself she is people. The amaryllis we bought were a month late in blooming, but were absolutely worth the wait.
Maybe we'll start finding a way to present the everyday and mundane as something worth writing, and more importantly, something worth reading!