Monday, March 29, 2010

Lord of the Rings

It was a bit of a shock to be hauling out the old windshield scraper this morning and removing a good thick layer of frost from the car. The weather has turned again and we're definitely regretting putting some herbs and flowers in the garden on the weekend. On the other hand, it makes our up coming vacation look even more appealing.

We threw together a quick dinner tonight because we had tickets to a show tonight. When I was going through the listings back in December I just couldn't let it pass by, even though it wasn't quite the same as our other ticket purchases. But when a One Man Lord of the Rings comes to town, you just have to get down the the Music Hall, pick a seat next to all the other nerds and enjoy yourself. It was incredibly entertaining. The Canadian that put it on hit all the right notes, did some great impersonations & sound effects and squeezed the high points from all three DVDs into and hour and ten minutes. He also does a One Man Star Wars Trilogy. If he ever comes back doing that I think we'll be in the audience for that too.

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