Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We've had an incredible spell of decent weather here in Aberdeen. A couple of weeks of relatively dry, sunny weather with nice blue skies. Fiona, Cathy and Roger took advantage today by taking a little drive out to Cruden Bay, just north of the city on the North Sea coast.

Any drive with us up that coast will include a stop at the Cock and Bull for lunch or dinner, in this case lunch. Casey enjoyed the sunshine on the patio and lunch was tasty. A short jaunt later, they were all walking the pristine beaches of Cruden Bay, around the old WWII fortifications and interesting geological formations. New spring lambs were seen in the surrounding fields - which means lambs before daffodils this year, if anyone is keeping score.

We've just come back from a dinner at Ciao Napoli, a favourite of ours. The dog is dead tired, the result of her usual insane beachfront behaviour. We're full of profiteroles, tiramisu and pasta. It's hard to come up with active plans for the next few days under such conditions, but we're feeling the pressure to keep the blog readers entertained ...

Happy St. Patty's Day to everyone out there. I hope the green beer is tasty and that the "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" t-shirt is working for you. I got to see another side of the usually jovial Irish when I arrived home today, a good, hard pinch for not wearing green!

Before signing off, a movie recommendation: Bottle Shock. It's a cool little movie about the rise of California wines in the 1970's. It has a good cast, with Captain Kirk (the new one) and Alan Rickman, who chews little less scenery than usual. He doesn't give it up entirely, mind you, but he gets all he can out of a part that requires him to speak a lot of French.

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